Common Myths of Therapy

  • Why should I go to therapy?
  • They’ll just blame everything on my childhood.
  • Therapy is for crazy people!
  • Therapy is for weak or mentally ill people! 
  • My problems aren’t serious enough for therapy.
  • Therapy will make things worse!

Do any of these statements sound familiar? There are so many myths about therapy – and before I became a therapist, I believed some of them, too! 

But the fact is, everyone goes through challenging situations at various points in their life. Undoubtedly, you have successfully navigated through a number of difficulties in the past, but perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed or at a loss for what to do. Deciding to seek help is a courageous step; in fact, therapy is for people who have enough self-awareness to realize they need a helping hand.

By reaching out to a trained professional, you are taking the first step to change and improve your life. Therapy provides tremendous benefits and long-lasting results by giving you the tools you need to improve your quality of life, learn new skills, and resolve conflicts which will lead to finding balance in your life and your relationships. 

So here is a new list – a list of truths and benefits about therapy! 

It’s Not for “Crazy” People

No, you don’t have to be “crazy” to go to therapy. Therapy is beneficial to everyone – none of us are perfect.

There is always something you can open up about and share with an unrelated party like a therapist. And doing so can make you feel more at peace with yourself and more balanced in your life. 

It’s Easier to Talk to a Therapist

While it may seem like talking to your best friend, your significant other, your mom or dad, or your brother or sister is enough, but it’s actually not. These people know you intimately. It usually takes a stranger to recognize an unbalanced and unhealthy habit or belief in your life. Therapists know how to dig deeper and come to different conclusions than someone who is passively listening.

While your friends might sympathize with you after a breakup or something difficult happens, a therapist will help you see it in a new light. A therapist allows you to wrap your head around things in an unbiased, nonjudgmental way. 

You Can Focus on You!

How often do you get the chance to focus just on yourself? We struggle daily in finding a balance with work, relationships, and life itself, but therapy can help.  


Therapy gives you the chance to talk about whatever is on your mind. You can explore underlying issues, your thoughts and feelings, and things which might be holding you back. 

Repression is Not Healthy

When you repress your thoughts and feelings, it will negatively affect you in many ways – physically, mentally, and emotionally. It may seem easier to stuff everything down, but eventually it catches up with you. Therapy helps you to process and release the things which are keeping you out of balance.

You’ll Learn New Things About Yourself

Therapists listen to your story and help you make connections. They may offer insight or guidance if you feel lost, but they won’t tell you what to do. Therapy gives you the tools to take action on your own.

If you feel like something is holding you back from the life you want to live, therapy can help. If you aren’t sure what is keeping you from making changes in your life, therapy can help you discover what it and how to move forward. 



Therapy isn’t a scary place for crazy people… it’s a safe space for people who want to be their very best self.